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Revelation052324 Nikki Votes Trump Alito Appeals To Heaven NATO hawk

Former presidential candidate, warmongering RINO Nikki Haley, says she'll vote for Trump. SCOTUS justice Samuel Alito raises question regarding the Appeal To Heaven flag. NATO to fight Russians troops in Ukraine.

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Revelation090624 Trump Unveils Economic Plan Dems Russia Hoax Redux

The Biden administration interferes with the 2024 presidential election by chilling alternative media through a relaunch of "Russia Election Meddling" investigation. Meanwhile Communist China and Iran continues adding Democrats with blatant election interference without interdiction.

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Another shooter was known to federal law enforcement well in advance of their malicious acts. Liz Cheney outdoes herself with endorsing a Democrat presidential candidate showing her allegiance to the Deep State over Conservatism. Musk's Commission On Government Efficiency.

September 04, 2024
Revelation090424 Why Democrats Hire Chinese Spies Hunter Biden Trials

Top Democrats have been hiring Chinese Communist spies for decades allowing them to burrow deep inside government. Why? Hunter Biden's tax trials are set to begin next week. The tax charges are less important than what the trial will reveal.

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